
Driving at age 14?

Should driving be legal at age 14? No I don’t think driving should be legal at age 14. India’s current legal age to drive is 18 and in foreign countries such as America and England, the legal age of driving is 16. Why do governments have different legal age of driving laws? It’s because governments […]

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The advantages of asking questions

He who asks questions remains a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask questions remains a fool forever~ Chinese proverb. The above quote probably would be one of the very few that does not require an explanation. In simple words, it emphasizes on the quality of life that the habit of asking questions […]

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Why is coding important for kids?

In the advent of the digital age, just like how reading and writing are important, coding and computer literacy are also becoming a necessary skill to learn at a young age. As the world is moving towards digital space, having a cup of tea for Rs.10 or buying a property for few crores of rupees […]

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