The Monsoons always bring back cherished childhood memories for us all – splashing through rain puddles on the street, or floating little paper boats on rivulets down the side of the road. The sound of raindrops pattering away happily on rooftops, and the delightful earthy aroma of the rain-soaked ground. As a child, the magic of the monsoons was a thing of wonder.
As parents, however, the magic of the season fades quickly as you begin to worry about your child’s health and wellbeing. The monsoons are notorious for bringing with them a number of diseases and illnesses. Parents are constantly torn between ensuring their child’s health and wellbeing, while allowing them to experience the joy and magic of the monsoon season. To help you strike the right balance between the two, here are some handy safety precautions during the rainy season.
Monsoon Precautions for Children
Although the onset of the monsoons is a lovely respite from the scorching summer heat, it is also a time when diseases and illnesses are rampant. Being proactive with a few rainy season precautions can help keep your child safe. In this blog, you will find some crucial advice and health tips for the monsoon season to make sure your child stays safe and healthy.
- Boost Immunity: Boost your child’s immunity to stay healthy in the monsoon. Make sure to have a balanced diet with whole grains, fruits, veggies, and proteins. Include immune-boosting foods like yogurt, citrus, ginger, garlic, and turmeric. Keeping your child hydrated with clean, boiled water and fresh fruit juices is also very important.
- Follow Stringent Hand Hygiene: Ensuring personal hygiene is critical throughout the monsoon season. Teach your child the importance of regularly washing their hands with soap and clean water. They should do this particularly before their meals, and right after using the restroom. To avoid dirt and germs building up, make sure your child’s nails are neat and short.
- Take Precautions Against Waterborne Diseases: Waterborne illnesses like cholera, typhoid, and diarrhea spread quickly in the rainy season. This is usually because water sources can become contaminated with bacteria that flourish in hot, humid conditions. Make sure your child only drinks boiled or purified water at all times.
- Protection from Mosquitoes: One of the most important monsoon precautions is dealing with the mosquito menace. Mosquitoes multiply rapidly during the rainy season, and spread diseases like dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. Use window screens, mosquito nets, and repellents to keep your kids safe from mosquito bites. To reduce exposure, dress them in long sleeved and brightly coloured clothing. Make sure you get rid of any standing water sources close to your house, as these tend to become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
- Prevent Fungal Infections: Increased humidity during the monsoon season raises the risk of fungal infections. Your child’s skin should always be kept clean and dry, and their clothes should be loose-fitting. It is preferable to dress them in clothing made from natural fibres like cotton, and they should wear shoes with adequate ventilation – like open-toed or rain shoes. Make sure you periodically examine their feet for fungal infections.
- Keep Your Kid Active: Although it may be tempting to keep your child indoors during a downpour, it’s crucial to make sure they continue their physical activity. Engaging in physical activity enhances an individual’s immune system and fosters general health. To maintain their energy, get them involved in basic exercises, yoga, or other fun indoor activities like dancing.
- Vaccination: Vaccination helps prevent many illnesses – especially during the monsoon season when infections are more common. Talk to your paediatrician about your child’s vaccines, and follow the recommended vaccine schedule.
Maintain your child’s well-being by following these safety precautions during the rainy season. Keep in mind that precautions and early preventive measures are the key to a happy and healthy monsoon for your children. Use this time as an opportunity to introduce your child to the importance of healthcare and self care. Involve them in planning and preparation for some of the health tips for the monsoons that you have learnt here.
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