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Exciting Weekend Activities for Your Children: Let’s Explore!

  • 6 May, 2024
  • 05:34 AM IST
Exciting Weekend Activities for Your Children Let’s Explore

Doing things together as a family is a great way to grow, learn and have fun together. It’s also an excellent way to make memories that will last for a lifetime. Strong family relationships improve kids’ well-being throughout their lifetimes. Social support from parents and siblings helps to reduce stress, increases self-esteem and promotes better mental health for young children. Many families find that weekends are the best opportunity to spend quality time together. If you’re looking for some fun weekend activities for kids, this list is the place to start. Read on to discover the best ideas and tips for fun activities to do with family this weekend!

Fun Activities to Do with Children on Weekends

There are many ways to have fun and keep your kids entertained during the weekend. Here are 12 fun activities to do with family either outdoors or within the comfort of your own home.

Plan a Picnic

Prepare a traditional picnic lunch with sandwiches, fruit, juices and potato chips. Load everything into a basket and take it to your favourite picnic destination. If you do not want to go out, you can create a picnic space at home by putting a blanket on the lawn or a patio table. Your family will get fresh air and a dose of vitamin D!

Plan a Treasure Hunt

Kids can’t resist a scavenger hunt! You can plant little toy jewels and treasures in the garden, then draw up a map with directions for kids. (For an ancient look, let some coffee soak into the map to brown it; while the paper is wet, rip it around the edges). You can even hide the map somewhere in the house and let the kids find it while they are making their beds or putting away their toys. The element of surprise will add to the excitement and enthusiasm!

Get Cooking

On cold or rainy days, finding indoor activities for kids can be a challenge. One idea is baking or cooking together. Kids especially love making pie crusts, biscuits and pizza because they can squish the dough with their fingers. When the baking is done, sit back and enjoy a bite alongside a refreshing drink.

Do Magic Tricks

For a unique family activity, look up magic tricks on YouTube and put on a show for little kids. You can also teach an older child some tricks they can perform in front of the whole family.

Try Indoor Camping

Yearning for the great outdoors without leaving home? You can create a makeshift experience in your living room! Set up blanket forts or tents, tell stories around a “fire” with candles or a lantern, and eat foods like kebabs and burgers.

Solve a Puzzle

When everyone works together, completing a puzzle becomes easy and is a lot of fun! Choose a puzzle that depicts a meaningful scene or location—for example, if you loved your family vacation to Mumbai, buy a puzzle of the skyline.

Kick the Can

This is one of the most famous fun activities to do with family. It needs at least four people, and must be played outdoors. A child starts the game by kicking the can and counting to 100 while the other players hide. The kicker sets the can upright and shouts, “Ready or not, here I come.” Then they look for the other players. When they find one, they yell the player’s name and race them back to the can, trying to be the first to knock it over. If the kicker fails, the game starts over. If the kicker succeeds, the hider must stand near the can while the kicker searches. Other hiders may try to free captives by kicking the can before being spotted. If they succeed, everyone hides again. The game ends when everyone has been captured. This is one of the most popular fun weekend activities when the weather is good.

Visit A Zoo

It is always fun to go see wild animals in the zoo! This is the kind of activity that is fun for all age groups. Take your kids on a zoo trip or to the nearest sanctuary in your city. It’s a great way to have a short break and helps you connect with nature.

Play Some Cards

Turn off the TV and teach your child a classic card game like gin rummy, hearts, or Uno. Adapt the rules for younger kids, and you have an entertaining indoor family activity to keep you occupied for hours!

Take A Trip to Theme Parks

Plan a trip to the nearest theme park or amusement park on the weekend. Invite other family members to join you for this trip. Remember, the more the merrier! Enjoying an exciting day trip could be one of your fun family activities this weekend!

Visit A Science Museum

Satisfy your child’s inquisitive side with a family trip to a museum. These are great places to learn about everything from marine life to astrology and everything in between. Science museums in particular display objects and solar systems that are sure to inspire wonder and awe in your child. Art and city museums will improve your child’s aesthetics and general knowledge.

Have an Interactive Movie Night

Watch a movie together. A great way to make this an interactive experience is to pick a film with a controversial or important social message and discuss it afterward. This way, your child will hear different perspectives, and learn valuable lessons as well. You can also watch age-appropriate documentaries about environmental or world issues and stimulate discussions.

It’s never a waste of time to spend time with your family, and it always results in beautiful memories. Try these fun and engaging family activities this weekend to start with.  You can also organise fun games and competitions at home to keep younger family members engaged. These activities help build your family bonds and bring you closer together while having fun. It will also promote family communication and make your house a happy place.

At Billabong High International School, we believe that learning experiences should be fun as well as informative. Our integrated curriculum is designed to make learning a joyful and interesting experience. To learn more about our curriculum, visit our website or contact our admissions office today!

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