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Please click on the map pins to get the relevant address.
With our school locator feeature, get access to addresses of the best Billabong High International ICSE and CBSE Schools near your location.
With our school locator feature, all you have got to do is select a country where you want to search for Billabong High International CBSE and ICSE schools and then click on the school location near you.
Billabong High International School helps you choose the best CBSE and ICSE schools near your location with it's unique school locator feature. All you have to do is click on a country of your choice and select your preferred location within that country. To know more about the fees, you can fill our enquiry form.
One of the most important things to consider while selecting a CBSE or ICSE school is the location. It has to be nearby your current residence. Then you have to consider what kind of curriculum and facilities is the school providing. These are important points you have to consider while selecting a school near you.
Billabong High International School helps you choose the best schools near you for nursery admission with it's unique school locator feature. All you have to do is click on a country of your choice and select your preferred location within that country.
a. There are a lot of benefits of studying in an ICSE school. ICSE is a globally recognised course. It has a holistic syllabus with weightage given to practicals. All subjects are graded subjects that promote extra-curricular interests.
a. Both CBSE and ICSE schools are great for your child's education. Your choice depends on what kind of curriculum you want for your child. Both are globally recognised courses.
a. The fees of CBSE schools differs from school to school. The factors that affect the fee structure curriculum, facilities and extra curricular factors.